Is Microsoft Money Still Available

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Is microsoft money still available Microsoft Money. It has capabilities for viewing bank account balances, creating budgets, and tracking expenses, among other features. Is microsoft money still available Microsoft Money. It has capabilities for viewing bank account balances, creating budgets, and tracking expenses, among other features. Option 1: Desktop Software Alternatives. There are several alternatives to Microsoft Money, and the majority of the software listed comes with a free trial, so it will cost nothing to experiment to find what works best: Moneydance: Moneydance is available for Mac, Windows, and Linux operating systems. An app version is available for iOS Apple devices as well as Android devices. Yes, it is still available and can be downloaded from this link. Kindly check the following links for more information about Microsoft money. Kindly check the following links for more information about Microsoft money. What is Microsoft Money? Microsoft Money is an excellent personal finance management software which was launched back in 1991. It was developed to be used in computers with Windows operating system. But later, since Money 2000 to Money 2006 to be exact, this program is also available in Windows Mobile.

Microsoft Money 2015 Windows 10

Posted by6 years ago

Microsoft is making it impossible to spend the money which they converted from Microsoft Points to actual money on my account. I’ve logged into and see that I have $42.97 credit on my account. Some of that came from my Zune/xBox Microsoft Points conversion, others came from some gift cards (again Microsoft Points which converted to $), and actual $ gift cards.

  • I have an xBox 360 which I rarely use anymore, and don’t make many purchases through it.

  • I have Windows 8.

  • I have Windows Phone 8.

  • I have a Zune music pass, which is now called xBox Music pass, where I still get the original 10 free songs each month which Zune had when it first started. I claim those 10 free songs each month through the Zune desktop software.

Given all that, my account with Microsoft has a $42.97 USD credit. However nearly every attempt I’ve tried to use that with Microsoft, they don’t let me. Some of that credit ($12 and change) is set to expire in a few weeks, and according the Microsoft email alerting me of that, I can:

Is Microsoft Money Software Still Available

use your promotional balance before it expires to buy apps, games, music, and more at any of the following stores:

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Sounds like I should be able to go to any of those and use the credits right? Wrong. The only place that it seems I can spend that money at is through the Windows Phone Store. I can go to and click BUY, and then change the source of the funds to the Microsoft Account. I can do the same on my Windows Phone 8.

However if I want to buy any xBox games, any music MP3 files, everywhere I go it will not allow me to select my Microsoft Account for the money source. Even the built in Windows app store will not allow me to use my Microsoft Account.

This is really frustrating. What is the magic that I need to do, in order to spend the money on what I want, and not something that I don’t want, but don’t want to lose the money either before Microsoft expires it. Currently my only option is Windows Phone apps.. but I don't need any of those. I want either xBox games or music or TV/movies.


On another note, I'm not sure how Microsoft is expiring my money. In Washington state money on gift cards cannot expire or have reoccurring fees. But somehow Microsoft is doing just that with my Microsoft Account funds.