Dave Pelz Short Game Video

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So I went to a Dave Pelz 3 day short game clinic with my dad the winter before last, and I thought it’d be fun to share a basic overview of the approach to the short game that we learned there. Very interested to hear what others think about these methods. Also happy to answer any questions. Video of your progress. Full analysis of your scoring game. 4-to-1 student-to-teacher ratio. Two-Day Short Game School. Two-Day sessions feature a strict focus on short game skills (no putting instruction) Learn the mechanics of solid, straight short game shots plus essentials skills from 100 yards in. Video Analysis and practice with feedback.

  1. Pelz is an American golf coach, known for his expertise and published writing on the art of the short game, particularly putting. Pelz's Short Game Bible was a New York Times 'national best-seller' in 1999. Eleven of Pelz's professional students have won a total of 21 Major golf championships.
  2. THE DAVE PELZ CLOCKFACE DRILL FOR GOLF SHORT GAME VIDEO - BY PETER FINCH One technique that Dave Pelz came up with and something that a lot of people will know about but maybe not know the source is the clock face drill whilst chipping and whilst pitching.
6 years ago

So I went to a Dave Pelz 3 day short game clinic with my dad the winter before last, and I thought it’d be fun to share a basic overview of the approach to the short game that we learned there. Very interested to hear what others think about these methods. Also happy to answer any questions. The putting tip at the end has been the biggest thing for me :-) Pelz teaches 3 specific short game swings:

The Distance Wedge

This is your game from 100 in, or whatever your distance is with your longest wedge when you are NOT trying to hit it for power. When distance control rather than power is the #1 priority, Pelz teaches you to use a very different swing than you normally do. The full swing generates power through the separation of the shoulders and the hips. The more torque you create by rotating your shoulders back without moving your hips, the more power you unleash when you uncoil your swing.

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But that toruque also makes the swing more inconsistent than if it wasn’t there. So for distance wedges, Pelz teaches a swing where the hips and the shoulders move in synchrony back and through. The other fundamental is that he wants a full wrist cock on the way back, and a full wrist cock on the way through, so that the backswing and follow through are mirror images of each other. His approach is that you should practice this swing with different backswing lengths and different wedges to dial in your distance control on your approach shots and give yourself more changes for 1 putts! A good drill for this swing is to take your golf stance while holding a medicine ball, and then swing it to the right and then through as if you were going to try and through it to someone on your left. The distance wedge swing is basically the motion you naturally make if you are trying to throw something heavy. After the medicine ball drill, he had us do the same thing with sawed off golf clubs with extra heavy weights at the end.


Pelz teaches just 1 chipping method. This is the way he says you should set up: Stand close to the ball with your feet together and the ball off your back toe. Rotate both toes 45 degrees to your left so that now the ball is off your back heel. Take your normal grip on the club but choked down just a bit. Now raise the club up so it is resting on your right shoulder. Now tilt your spine to your left about 15 degrees, and now place the club behind the ball. Your hands should be well ahead of the ball and the club should be resting more on its toe than normal. Now a simple pendulum swing where you hit down on the ball as steeply as you can. They had us practice with a 2x4 right behind the ball to promote the descending blow. You can hit this with almost any club in your bag to adjust the carry/roll ratio, and then control distance with the length of your backswing. Pelz will say 99% of the time you never need to hit a cut lob shot, just play this chip shot with your open faced 60 or 64 degree wedge.

How Old Is Dave Pelz


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Pelz teaches the straight back straight through pure pendulum approach. Some say this is not possible, but Pelz thinks he has a robot names Perfy who proves that it is. After doing the drills at his camp, I am a believer too. It’s all about the right ball position and posture. Your eyes should be directly above the ball, and your hands and arms should be directly below your shoulders. If you get setup this way it is possible to go straight back straight through. You basically hit the putt with your pectoral muscles.

But the most important thing I learned about putting wasn’t about technique, it was about tempo. The Pelz philosophy is that if your stroke always takes the same amount of time, you will be able to control the distance very precisely with the length of your backstroke. So he teaches a 5 count putting ritual to ingrain the tempo. Practicing this in my basement with a metronome has made a huge difference for me! This is what you do: first get a metronome (plenty of free ones online). Find a tempo that feels comfortable to you. I like 88 beats per minute, but it doesn’t matter what it is. What matters is that it is consistent. Get ready to hit your putt and lift your thumb off the putter. When the metronome ticks –

Dave Pelz Short Game School


*1) Place thumb back on putter *2) Look at hole *3) Look at ball *4) Take putter back *5) Swing putter though

The looking at the hole is not about looking at the hole. At this point, you’ve already lined your ball up and you’ve already rehearsed the length of backswing that you want. The looking at the hole is for rehearsing and establishing the tempo. The 2-3 of looking up and looking down matches the 4-5 of swinging the putter back and through. When you hear Johnny Miller say someone has a great “1-2” putting stroke, it means they are doing a very good job of hitting their puts with a consistent tempo. It is amazing how much that helps with distance control, and how having a 5 count ritual trigger like this can help with nerves. Our instructor said a trick he likes to pull is on the 2 count he looks away from the hole to his right instead of towards the hole to his left. Freaks out his playing companions, but doesn't affect his ability to make the putt at all.

Dave Pelz Short Game Schools


Dave Pelz Chipping Video


Dave Pelz School Of Golf

'He who rules the short game collects the gold.'—Dave Pelz's Golden Rule of Golf
Fed up with trying to imitate the pros, buying the latest expensive equipment, and seeing your handicap stay the same? The first book by bestselling author and internationally revered golf instructor Dave Pelz since Putt Like the Pros, his bestselling classic, Dave Pelz's Short Game Bible can show you the way to lower scores by improving your short game. The result of decades of scientific research studying thousands of golfers, Dave's philosophy is as simple as it is revolutionary and groundbreaking: Instead of practicing the wrong things the right way, or the right things the wrong way, Pelz shows you how to find your own personal weaknesses and how to improve them to efficiently lower your scores. Packed with all the knowledge, charts, and photos needed to learn from the master, Dave Pelz's Short Game Bible is the essential book for every golfer who's looking to improve his or her game.
A former physicist for NASA, Dave brings a scientific rigor to his research and instruction that has made him the top short-game expert in the world. His renowned golf schools and clinics focus exclusively on putting and the short game, attracting top players like Tom Kite, Colin Montgomerie, two-time U.S. Open champion Lee Janzen, reigning PGA champion Vijay Singh, Steve Elkington, Payne Stewart, Peter Jacobsen, and many LPGA players including Annika Sorenstam and Liselotte Neumann. The pros know, as you are about to learn, that while others teach golfers how to swing, Dave Pelz teaches golfers how to score . . . and win.